Discrimination law updates in Ohio, Oklahoma, and Indiana bring mandatory posting updates

Date Posted: 06/22/2021

Changes to discrimination laws are bringing mid-year posting updates to three states:

Discrimination law updates in Ohio, Oklahoma, and Indiana bring mandatory posting updates

Ohio Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law

The Ohio Employment Law Uniformity Act amended the state’s Civil rights Act and changed the statute of limitations for filing discrimination claims.

Because of this, the Ohio Civil Rights Commission has made a mandatory change to the state’s Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law posting. It has updated the information on the poster relating to the deadline for filing complaints. The poster notes that complaints must be filed within two years of the last act of discrimination or harassment.

Effective: April 12, 2021

Indiana Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law

Under Public Law 87 (House Bill 1309), enacted on April 2021, employers with 15 or more employees must provide a reasonable accommodation for pregnancy.

This law amends the Indiana Civil Rights Act and will likely bring a mandatory change to the state’s Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law posting.

Effective: July 1, 2021

Oklahoma: New protection for veterans

House Bill 2545, signed on April 15, 2021, prevents employers from discriminating against employees because of military status.

The law includes a notice requirement, and employers may meet the notice requirement by posting the notice where employers customarily place notices for employees.

The notice requirement will be included in a new section of Oklahoma law, Title 44, Section 4334 (A).

Effective: July 1, 2021

Posting changes When a state amends an anti-discrimination law, it often brings a mandatory posting change for employers. Employers should be prepared to comply with the updated employee protections and display updated posters in an area where they are visible to employees.